
Ella's Day (late night/early morn) of Birth

I had my 39 week appointment, my midwife swept my membranes and we had a chat about inductions if I would happen to go over my DD. This was me the night before:

My husband had gone hunting so I was home alone. I decided to go for a walk around Wal-mart and Target for a while and headed back home. My husband called from his friend’s phone saying his phone was dead but he was on his way home. Shortly after, I got up out of bed and used the bathroom. When I laid back down, I felt fluid and thought I had peed myself. I stood up and realized my water had broke (11:30 pm). Luckily my husband showed up 15 minutes after. I had already called all of our parents as well as labor and delivery.
I hopped in the shower, packed an additional bag (of items we did not use of course) for the hospital, and went on our way (1:30am). I had my first contraction as we were leaving the house. I drove us to the hospital because my light-weight husband had had 4 drinks, which is more than his 2-drink-limit and we figured it was better to be safe than sorry. What a fun experience that was! =)
We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and DH carried our 5 bags in (2:30am). It looked more like we were moving in for a couple months thank coming for a few days to have a babe... I may have slightly over packed!
Contractions were now about 4 minutes apart. I sat in the whirlpool tub for about a half hour, walked around the hospital, swayed standing, rocked on an exercise ball (“labor” ball) and it was about time to push.
I’m not going to lie, my contractions from 7cm on hurt BAD. I kept moving from laying on my back, to standing, to sitting up, to being on my hands and knees.
My nurse called my midwife and told her I was progressing much faster than anticipated and it was time to get to the hospital. My midwife got there as I was pushing through my second contraction. If my memory serves me correctly, I pushed through 6 contractions and Miss Ella was born (6:58am).

My husband did not plan on watching the actual birth too closely; he wanted to stick close to my head. BUT I decided to have a mirror so I could watch, and in turn he was forced to observe. The umbilical cord was “draped around her shoulders like a shawl” (as my midwife put it) which caused my husband to almost pass out. He thought it was wrapped around her neck, and when they were having a difficult time removing it, he had to sit down. A nurse went to check him out and give him cold rags, while I cut the umbilical cord. He’s such a man’s man. HA
I had an amazing labor and delivery and was so proud to get through it without an epidural!

Come One, Come All

Welcome to my blog!

Come join me on my journey: I'm a 24 year old first time mommy dealing with the new found attitude of a 6 year old, potty training a special needs 3 year old, and tending to each cry and meeting every need of my newborn. You may ask, how did this happen? Let's just say 2009 was an exciting year.

Well, I met an amazing man only to find out he was a father of two beautiful young ladies. Aleah (6) and Aubs (3). ::Fast forward to last 2009:: We found out my baby #1 (Dustin's #3) was on her way in April, and we were married on August 28. Our new baby, Ella, made her appearance in the early hours November 14.

My husband, Dustin, is an Auto-body Instructor at a technical college. He is almost 30 years old(which I LOVE to rub in), and could quite possibly be the most patient man I know. I would say it takes an extraordinary amount of calmness to even out my fiery temperament.
Aleah is halfway through the first grade. She is energetic, intelligent, kind, independent, sassy and stubborn.
Aubree attends ECFE and has been diagnosed with Williams Syndrome. She is friendly, spirited, trusting, and innocent little girl.
Ella is 11 weeks now and she is the most beautiful little person I have ever seen. Although, I may be a bit bias. ;-) I often describe Ella as "fat and happy." Because that is precisely what she is.

My life may be filled with mayhem, but I feel very blessed and every person in my family truley is a miracle. So feel free to learn with me as I go, and I will give tips, how-to's and what not to-do's for making life a little bit less tumultuous.